MERRY EFFING XMAS!! Eat elves, yeti, and reindeer! Santa gave you a crap present, now you’re out for revenge!Please leave some feedback, bug reports, hate mail, etc. I read all the comments. Arrow Keys/WASD to move.
In Word Up you form words by tapping the letters. Form long words and earn combo points. Each level requires a certain number of cleared rows/columns. Buy special items in the shop to improve your performance. Tap special item to collect and tap letter to place item.
In this supporting chapter, Belial must work with Beelzebub and Lilith to unleash Baal from within himself.Use mouse to interact with the scenes. Click on items and use them on another item or to place on your inventory.
Big version of Spider Solitaire game. On the tableau build a group of cards from Ace to King in suit. You can place cards in descending order but you can only move groups that are in suit.
Fast paced cross-country racing game, with multiple unlocks, upgrades, and zones.Use the handbrake to drift on bends, and build up boost by getting drift chains.Arrow keys or AWSD to drive. CTRL, SHIFT, or Z to use the handbrake.Click the handbrake on corners to start drifting [...]