MERRY EFFING XMAS!! Eat elves, yeti, and reindeer! Santa gave you a crap present, now you’re out for revenge!Please leave some feedback, bug reports, hate mail, etc. I read all the comments. Arrow Keys/WASD to move.
Classic transport puzzle game in HTML5. Push all the boxes to the goal marked with an X. On mobile devices drag the bulldozer to move it, on devices with a keyboard: use the arrow keys.
An expanded and updated version of the popular dungeon crawl RPG. New classes, items, monsters, quests.. as well as an improved interface. Also, a shop!Controlled with the mouse. Click on rooms to move.You can see a tutorial on how to set up custom portraits here: http://biclopsg [...]
Where is here? Oh… It occurred to me that Bodhisattva asked me to participate in a match called Journey to the West.Monk Sanzang is sent into a haunted place full of zombies. He’s only chance is to run away as fast as he can and pray that he will be rescued.If it̵ [...]
Meow.Rocketcat cat has rocket-powered boots. What a unique idea for a game :3Control him with the left and right arrow keys; avoid comets, collect stars, build up a high-score. Revel in his awesomeness.If you’re finding the controls awkward, PLEASE use the ‘reverse co [...]
Here’s a body and where’s a head?! Put them together and don’t forget about 12 buttons for your friends!Roll a head to a body. Click on the elements to increase, reduce or remove them.