MERRY EFFING XMAS!! Eat elves, yeti, and reindeer! Santa gave you a crap present, now you’re out for revenge!Please leave some feedback, bug reports, hate mail, etc. I read all the comments.Arrow Keys/WASD to move.
Winter holidays are coming soon, bringing everyone a joyful mood! One should prepare for this holiday and grow 'The Biggest Christmas Tree'. This html5 game is all about Christmas tree with an easy and joyous gameplay. To get the fir-tree high, just tap on it to grow. Our Christm [...]
Drag a row or column with the Zoobies to get a group of 3 or more of the same connected Zoobies (horizontally or vertically). Remove as many Zoobies as indicated to advance to the next level.
A sequel to 5 and 6 Differences. Music by Hugh and Saturation. 13 levels, or something like that. Beat them all for great satisfaction!Click to find the differences.
It’s golf like you’ve never played it before. Sure, get the ball in the hole, but this is a race… hit the ball, then run to where it lands!Fastest time on each hole wins. Collect cash to upgrade your clubs and clothes, unlock new players, and use powerups tobeat [...]